Women disproportionately affected by impacts of warming planet, says US House speaker Pelosi 

Pic- AFP

Glasgow: US House speaker Nancy Pelosi has called for putting women and girls at the center of efforts to fight climate change, saying they are disproportionately affected by the impacts of a warming planet.

Pelosi is leading a delegation of congressional Democrats to the UN climate talks in Glasgow this week to send a message that the United States has rejoined international initiatives to curb climate change after the Trump years.

Global warming “is a threat multiplier, amplifying and accelerating existing inequities in our economies and societies,” Pelosi said during a Tuesday meeting focused on gender and climate change.

A report by the U.N. Development Programme has estimated that 80% of those displaced by climate change are women.

Pelosi said a $1.85 trillion package of measures focused on health, family and climate change reflected the Biden administration’s goal to “build back better with women.” Democratic holdouts have the bill currently stalled in Congress.

Echoing President Joe Biden, Pelosi said: “America is back together for the planet, for the women, for our children”


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